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Sabancı University Centre of Excellence in European Studies. Jean Monnet Center of Excellence. Click here for ES Student Handbook.
Graduate School of Social Sciences applications for Fall 2017-2018. The following programs leading to MA and PhD degrees are accepting applications for 2017-2018 academic year Fall semester. Contact names for each program have been provided for academic inquiries only. For administrative or procedure related questions, please contact Student Resources Office. Applications with incomplete documentation will not.
Majorana fermiyonları ve topolojik kuantum hesaplama. Erdal İnönü Topolojik Materyallerin Teori ve Uygulamaları. Mühendislik Ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Hakkında. Kanserli Hücrelere Özel İlaç İçin Çalışıyoruz.
Public Policy MA Program aims to equip students with the theoretical and practical skills required to design, implement, and evaluate public policies. Graduates will have acquired the necessary knowledge on the needs, grounds, and spheres of government intervention in economic and social life in modern states as well as institutional and statistical skills for devising and assessing public policy in specific areas.
Conflict Analysis and Resolution and. The Political Science undergraduate program.
Business Analytics Minor Honors Program. MBA-MIT Sloan MSMS Dual Degree. MBA-MIT Zaragoza ZLOG Dual Degree. Sabanci School of Management is amongst the best in the world.
Study Urban Management at IHS, Erasmus University. Go Study in Turkey the next big thing in study destinations. Leading US Law Schools for LLM students. Want a Sports Scholarship? Life After University 6 tips before you graduate. 10 boxsets you have to see. In Paris, Milan and London. Key courses for international students.
Learn more about Sabancı University Summer School. Learn more about Sabancı-Harvard Summer School. Modern Turkish Language and Culture. Learn more about the Modern Turkish Language and Culture Summer School. Welcome to Sabancı Summer School. No front page content has been created yet. Learn more about Sabancı University. Learn more about the latest news from Sabancı University. Sabancı Üniversitesi Orta Mahalle, Tuzla 34956 İstanbul.
In History, Political Science, Economics, Cultural Studies, Conflict Resolution, and Visual Arts. In addition, the curriculum also seeks to meet the needs of those international students who wish to learn or improve their command of the Turkish language. Also available are a number of other language courses. Including, for example, Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Persian or Kurdish. The MA degree in Turkish Studies is also likely to enhance the career prospects.
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MORE THAN A JOB BOARD. CV and JOB SEARCH TIPS. High Skilled Professionals Regulations in the Netherlands. Working while Studying and after graduation. Finding work in the Netherlands after graduation.
A Seminar about Prophet Muhammad and His Fellows History. UMM Roadshow in Guiya Guizhou, China. Erasmus Mundus Awardees of UMM. UNTAG Visit to Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Presentasi Beasiswa UniSa - South Australia. A visit from Universitas Kristen Widya Satya Salatiga. HUB DAY - Peace Corps 2015.